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埃克森美孚蒞臨海南漢地集團開(kāi)展商務(wù)洽談 ExxonMobil Visits Handi for Business Meeting

文章關(guān)鍵詞:埃克森美孚 商務(wù)洽談 合作        來(lái)源:        發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-05-16        分類(lèi): 集團新聞


On May 8, 2023, eight people from the base oil team and catalyst & technology licensing team of ExxonMobil came to Handi to join a business meeting on the sales of base oil products and various cooperation between the two sides.Handi Chairman Hanling Wu, Deputy General Manager Shujie Yu, Deputy General Manager Weidong Li attended the meeting.



ExxonMobil is a world-renowned international energy Fortune 500 company with a history of more than 140 years and is an industry leader in many aspects of the global energy and petrochemical sectors.In January 2021, the base oil supplied to ExxonMobil China by Handi was successfully delivered, the first time ever that ExxonMobil has worked closely with Hainan Handi.
    會(huì )上,漢地集團董事長(cháng)吳漢陵對氨采克森美孚團隊一行的到來(lái)表示熱烈的歡迎卧蜓,感謝埃克森美孚長(cháng)期以來(lái)給予的大力支持和幫助,非常期待今后能與笆∈牵克森美孚繼續強強合作掠逮。雙方對海南自貿港法儡司、相關(guān)利好政策進(jìn)行了深度的解讀薯替,海南省自貿港將是未來(lái)全球公司投資興業(yè)的熱土。漢地集團將充分運用自貿港政策優(yōu)勢舟铜,積極開(kāi)拓國際市場(chǎng),真正實(shí)現“全球買(mǎi),全球賣(mài)”的自貿港特色經(jīng)營(yíng)模式全闷,真正助力海南實(shí)體企業(yè)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展藐檀,最終推進(jìn)海南自由貿易港的建設。

During the meeting, Chairman of Handi Hanling Wu extended a warm welcome to the ExxonMobil team, thanked ExxonMobil for its long-standing support and looked forward to continued strong cooperation with ExxonMobil in the future.The two sides made an in-depth interpretation of Hainan's free trade port law and related favorable policies, and Hainan's free trade port will be a hot spot for global companies to invest and develop their business in the future. Handi  will efficiently use the advantages of the free trade port policy to actively develop the international market, and truly realize the global buy, global sell business model of the free trade port characteristics. Aim to help Hainan real enterprise economic development, and promote the construction of Hainan free trade port.


After the discussion, the ExxonMobil team conducted a site visit including the chemical park, production plant area, and laboratory center with Handi leaders.

After this meeting and inspection, ExxonMobil has a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of Handi. Handi mature technology, rich production experience and good reputation are more recognized. At the same time, both sides hope to achieve mutual benefits in future cooperation projects.

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